U.S. Department of Justice

From 2001 to 2009, Jim Fuda served as a police and military consultant/trainer for the U.S. Department of Justice in Bosnia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. He was formidable in tailoring democratic policing training material to the political environment in the assigned country.

Special Police Unit Training in Bosnia, March 2013.
Special Police Unit Training in Bosnia, March 2013.
Hostage Negotiations Training in Bosnia, October 2011.
Hostage Negotiations Training in Bosnia, October 2011.
First Responder Training Graduation in Bosnia, April 2013.
First Responder Training Graduation in Bosnia, April 2013.


Jim was hired in April 2011 by the U.S. Department of Justice as the Senior Executive Advisor to the Minister of the Interior for the Republic of Srpska with the goal of helping to foster a positive working environment in post-war Bosnia. He was chosen for this assignment based on his relationship-building skills and his willingness to meet adversaries halfway to come to a mutual understanding.

His expertise was employed to assist in raising the “Industry Standards” level of professionalism in terms of training and equipment in the Serb, Muslim, and Catholic parts of the country. In doing so, Jim trained and then formed the first-ever Hostage Negotiations Teams in each of the five Public Security Centers (Cantons) for the Republic of Srpska. In addition, Jim taught Media Relations, Major Event Security Planning, Critical Incident Stress Management, and First Responder Techniques throughout the country.

Today, Jim continues to go back to Bosnia to update training and, because of his expertise and trusted government contacts, is now working a Transnational Crime Initiative in the Region through Crime Stoppers Global Solutions. Learn more about this program here.

Radmilo Pantic worked as Jim's assistant in Bosnia and was instrumental in building relationships with the local and federal Bosnian Police.
Jim (right) with Radmilo Pantic, who worked as Jim's assistant in Bosnia and was instrumental in building relationships with the local and federal Bosnian Police.

Demonstration Management Course in Indonesia, September 2002.
Demonstration Management Course in Indonesia, September 2002.
Graduation Ceremony in Indonesia, October 2002.
Graduation Ceremony in Indonesia, October 2002.


In 2001 and 2002, Jim worked as a Contract Instructor for the Department of Justice in Indonesia, teaching Demonstration Management skills to both “Rank & File” Indonesian Police Officers as well as Upper Echelon Commanders. The Training Course needed revision, and, because of his expertise in the subject, Jim was asked to re-write the curriculum. This revised course was taught throughout Indonesia and the tactics learned are still utilized today.

International Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Surabaya, Indonesia, October 2002.
International Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Surabaya, Indonesia, October 2002.

Jim work with Guards in Sihala, Pakistan, March 2008.
Jim work with Guards in Sihala, Pakistan, March 2008.
Graduation Ceremony for Media Relations Course for the International Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Pakistan, May 2008.
Graduation Ceremony for Media Relations Course for the International Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) in Pakistan, May 2008.
Graduation Ceremony in Pakistan
Graduation Ceremony in Pakistan


Jim spent a total of 8 months from May 2006 through June 2008 teaching various courses throughout Pakistan but was mainly hired by the Department of Justice because of his expertise in the Hostage Negotiations arena. Jim wrote and taught the first-ever curriculum on the subject in Pakistan, and the tactics taught then are still in practice today.

In addition, Jim taught Leadership courses at the National Police Academy in Islamabad as well as Media Relations in Lahore, Hangu, Islamabad, and Sihala. Additional courses that Jim taught in Pakistan were Mentoring Subordinates, Performance-Based Management, Job/Task Analysis and Needs Assessment, Interview and Interrogation Techniques, and Critical Incident Management.

Jim with National Police Academy Guards in Islamabad, Pakistan, March 2008.
Jim with National Police Academy Guards in Islamabad, Pakistan, March 2008.

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